Thursday, July 29, 2010

Make Money Fast in CloudCrowd (Facebook Application)

Need to Make Money Fast? Here's What to Do

I have a lot of income streams online, but most take a week or two, or longer, to get paid. But, there is an exception that allows you to make money fast when you need to. There are those days when you simply need money right away and can't wait until something sells on eBay or until an online client pays. That's where Cloud Crowd comes in.

Cloud Crowd is a company that specializes in outsourcing small online tasks to multiple online workers. Some of these are checking facts, some are editing pages that were written by non-English speakers and some are giving grades to written text. The exact projects that are available change often. Some days there are a few available and some days there are more than a dozen.

While each individual task doesn't pay much, the tasks are often very small and don't take much time. A simple editing job may only take a few minutes to do, while a long, in-depth rewrite will take longer.

Get Paid Fast

The best part about doing jobs for Cloud Crowd is that you are paid FAST. It may be just hours before you are paid. Depending on the time of day and the day of the week you work, you may expect your payment the next day. The Cloud Crowd policy is that if your work is approved by 8 p.m. Eastern, you will receive your payment the very next business day. I've also heard of people being paid the same day for work done early in the day.

Cloud Crowd workers are paid through PayPal automatically. You never have to send an invoice, ask when your payment is coming, etc. If you have a PayPal account, you're all set to go.

The Pros and Cons of Making Money Online With Cloud Crowd


The fast payments are a major plus. Many people who make money online are able to make more elsewhere, but they can't earn any faster elsewhere. When you need money quick, this is a nice egg to have in your basket.

The tasks are pretty simple. Most of the tasks that I have done are just mindless rewrites of badly-translated text. I can do it while watching TV or talking to someone.


The pay per task is low. The payment for editing elsewhere is usually higher, though with Cloud Crowd the work is there and you don't have to dig around for it.

The best tasks may get taken quickly. When that happens, you may have to take your second or third choice or wait until more tasks are loaded.

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